Sunday, March 11, 2007

Wanted !

>There is a dangerous man in our midst: Cowlick Barber, aka Blackjack Cracker, Judge Roy Beaner, MB/BM, Dewayne Mullette.

For the safety of staff and students, flyers have been posted with his m.o. and physical description.

His most egregious crimes: corruption of a Novice, stealing lobster traps, and impersonating a doctor.

Physical description: green velvet jacket, purple shoes, ponytail (w/ or w/o extensions)or a 70's mullet.

Be very careful, this individual can be dangerous.

If you know the whereabouts of this person, please contact Sally or Rick for further instructions

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

New Policy For BCM Psych Team B Rounds

A new policy instituted by Baylor College of Medicine has been implemented effective immediately, Friday March 7, 2008.
There is a now a height requirement for all attendees of Team B Rounds. Until HCHD Constables can spare the manpower to keep the small ones from ingress, there is a measuring device outside Team B's door.
Sammy P passes the test... Sally H passes the test... Who can no longer attend Team B rounds? The short one.