Saturday, May 19, 2007

Restoration of the Sanctuary / Diz and Sal's Excellent Adventure

I installed a wireless modem with moderate frustration and difficulty; this is no small feat for a mid-lifer with self-taught computer skills...As a result, I am working on this blog in repose, enjoying the birds and the fountain from the hammock.

I can once again log on to CSU and do homework from my sanctuary. Tres cool!!

These are buds and blooms in the yard I photographed this morning. They affirm and mirror my current state of mind.

Dizzy was antsy for a walk, so we roamed the 'hood...

Two shots of the bayou at the foot of Lindy Lane. A friend with a GPS device told me my house was 67' above sea level.

This is a shot of the park that abuts the bayou.

The plumbago is blooming !

It is unusual for Dizzy to be the one to initiate heading home, but today I wore him out.

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